sesame seed Ladoo| Nuvvula laddu| Healthy ladoo Recipe

 Sesame seed Laddu

sesame ladoo

Sesame seeds have been a staple in our culinary traditions, offering a rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Regular inclusion of sesame seeds in your diet provides numerous health benefits. In addition to savory dishes, sesame seeds are also used in the preparation of sweets, including sesame brownies. Crafting these delectable treats at home is a simple process, mirroring the ones found in confectioneries. By enjoying these brownies, you not only savor their taste but also contribute to your overall well-being. Now, let's delve into the specifics of crafting delicious sesame brownies and explore the essential ingredients needed for their preparation.

For the preparation of sesame seed laddu, gather the following components:

  • 1 cup of sesame seeds
  • 3/4 cup of grated jaggery
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • A pinch of cardamom powder

  • How to make sesame seed ladoo

    sesame seed ladoo

    1. Toast Sesame Seeds:

      • Place the sesame seeds in a pan and roast them over low heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Once roasted, transfer the sesame seeds to a plate and set aside.
    2. Grate Jaggery and Add Water:

      • In the same pan, grate the jaggery. Add water to the grated jaggery and stir continuously until the jaggery completely melts.
    3. Strain the Jaggery Mixture:

      • Once the jaggery is dissolved, strain the mixture to remove any impurities. Return the strained mixture to the same pan.
    4. Cook the Jaggery Mixture:

      • Cook the jaggery mixture over medium heat until it turns dark brown. This indicates that the mixture has reached the consistency required for the brownies.
    5. Add Cardamom Powder:

      • Add a pinch of cardamom powder to enhance the flavor of the mixture.
    6. Check Consistency:

      • To test the readiness, drop a small amount of the jaggery mixture into water. If it hardens like wood, the mixture is ready. If not, continue cooking until it caramelizes and achieves the desired consistency.
    7. Add Toasted Sesame Seeds:

      • Quickly add the previously toasted sesame seeds to the jaggery mixture. Mix thoroughly to ensure an even distribution.
    8. Shape the Brownies:

      • When the mixture is still warm, either apply ghee to your hands and shape it into brownies or pour it onto a ghee-coated plate and cut it into the desired shapes with a knife.
      • Nuvvula laddu/sesame seed ladoo

      • Cool and Cut:
      • Once the mixture has cooled completely, separate it from the plate.
      • Create Laddoos and Chikkis:
      • Use this mixture to make delicious laddoos and chikkis, offering versatility in treat options.
      • Storage Tip:
      • For lasting freshness, store the sesame brownies in an airtight container.
      • Extended Freshness:
      • When stored properly, these sesame brownies remain fresh for 10 to 15 days.
      • Daily Consumption:
      • Enjoying one or two sesame brownies each day provides valuable health benefits.
      • Healthy Growth for Children:
      • Including these sesame brownies in children's diets contributes to their overall growth and well-being.
      • sesame seed ladoo

      • Health benefits of taking these ladoos:

      • Nutrient-Rich:
      • Sesame seeds are packed with essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and calcium, promoting overall well-being.
      • Heart Health:
      • presence of healthy fats in sesame seeds may contribute to heart health by managing cholesterol levels.
      • Bone Health:
      • Rich in calcium, sesame seeds support bone health and may aid in preventing osteoporosis.
      • Antioxidant Properties:
      • Sesame seeds contain antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
      • Digestive Health:
      • The fiber content in sesame seeds supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel
      • movements.
      • Blood Pressure Regulation:
      • Potassium in sesame seeds may assist in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
      • Energy Boost:
      • Sesame seeds provide a good source of energy, making them a nutritious addition to the diet.
      • Skin Health:
      • Antioxidants and nutrients in sesame seeds contribute to skin health, potentially reducing signs of aging.
      • Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
      • Sesame seeds contain compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for overall health.
      • Nutritional Support for Children:
      • Including sesame brownies in children's diets can provide essential nutrients crucial for their growth and development.
        healthy laddu sesame seed ladoo

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